Hidden Lives: Coming out on Mental Illness

Hidden Lives: Coming out on Mental Illness

I received the best news today.  Subsequent to being approached by an editor online, I submitted an essay about my personal experience of living with bipolar disorder quite some time ago.  The book is called ‘Hidden Lives: Coming out on Mental Illness’ and is now published and available in book stores starting August 2012.  You may already purchase it at the Brindle and Glass website: http://www.brindleandglass.com/book_details.php?isbn_upc=9781926972961

A friend told me today that I am contributing to a great movement of stomping out stigma in our society and I have to admit that I feel privileged to be a part of this phenomenon.  I consider that NOW is the optimal time in history to be contributing to this cause.  It is amazing how many celebrities are ‘coming out’ and it is vital to recognize the countless faces that are working at a grass roots level to ensure the well being and happiness of those who are living with a mental health condition.  It is notably the efforts of the people that have the illness who come out and share their personal experiences that are making all the difference in the world.  It is not a meagre endeavour to come forward and admit that you have this condition with great bravery due to the fear of stigma that is so prevalent in our world.  The good news is that times are evolving and ‘hidden lives’ are not so hidden anymore.

Thank you to Lenore Rowntree and Andrew Boden who encouraged me to keep writing.  I only hope that they would be willing to look at my own book once it is complete.  I feel writing is such a healing experience and this piece has certainly made me joyful and ever so much more hopeful.  A big thank you to Brindle and Glass Publishing for taking the book on and recognizing its importance.  They are certainly great change agents in the world of fighting stigma with the works they choose to endorse.

Remember what Bipolar Babe always says…

“No matter what our challenges, we can all live extraordinary lives.”




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