
Give a gift of securities

Donating appreciated publicly traded stocks, ETFs, bonds, and mutual funds, “in-kind”, today, is a simple and powerful way to give, contributing to eliminating stigma, promoting mental health, and funding peer group support for students, educators, schools and people living in rural and remote communities.

Your gift of securities makes a big impact, while you avoid capital gains, and earn a meaningful tax credit to reduce taxes on your income.        

When you are ready to give, please complete the form below and you will automatically receive a PDF copy to your e-mail to submit to your financial institution. Our system automatically sends a copy to our Charity.

To learn more about making a gift of securities, please click here.

Thank you for your interest in supporting Stigma-Free Mental Health Society with a generous gift of shares or securities.

To help Stigma-Free Mental Health Society issue an official tax receipt to a donor on time, please inform our staff about this donation by emailing us promptly: [email protected]

Or by phone: (778) 956-9663

Thank you kindly!

Securities Donation

"*" indicates required fields

Authorization and Direction to Broker/Institution to Transfer Securities

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Donor's Address*

I, the above named donor, hereby authorize and direct you to transfer ownership in the following securities (in-kind):

Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Directly to Stigma-Free Mental Health Society via transfer to their account with:

BMO Investorline

3973 First Canadian Place
100 King St. West. Floor B1
Toronto, ON M5X 1H3
CUID: NTDT DTC Code: 5043
Contact Name: BMO Investorline
Contact Fax Number: 416-359-5607
Account Name: Stigma-Free Mental Health Society
Account Number: 239-54202
Organization Name: Stigma-Free Mental Health Society
Address: 185-911 Yates St, Victoria, BC V8V 4Y9
Phone: 778-956-9663
Fax: N/A
Contact: Andrea Paquette
Charitable Registration #: 827676867 RR 0001
Stigma-Free Mental Health Society’s Bank of Montreal broker contact:

Amanda Deck, Financial Planner, Medicine Hat Branch, Alberta

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