I just facilitated a 2 hour long bipolar babe Fundraiser meeting. We are throwing a kicking 250 people event showcasing struts, beats and education on November 27, 09 at the Victoria Event Centre. I will tell you more about the event itself in the next couple of Blogs but just wanted to share my feelings of gratitude and awesomeness for the bipolar babe team! Each person brings something so unique and meaningful. Flashing ideas, reliability and laughs, but most of all a very supportive crew that believes in me and most especially in the bipolar babe cause. Whenever I bring in the word 'me' I find myself automatically retracting into a mode that labels itself as humility, but I am starting to see that it may be something else. For a long time I surrounded myself with people who rarely showed me any appreciation or support and when I did share my accomplishments I was thrown two meaningful words every time I shared 'Good job! Each time I received this same reaction I realized that is exactly what is was…meaningless reaction. Eventually I never received any reaction at all. I found that during my recovery I never thought all that much about myself, so quite often I surrounded myself with people that reinforced my own beliefs. As of late I feel amazing about my bipolar babe work and I am so grateful to have a babe team that tells me things like "You rock girl!" or "We love ya, good job!" I now realize it is a very awesome thing to know that I actually do make a difference in this world. Every body's contribution is valuable and there is so much worth in recognizing the efforts of someone you believe in. That place that I mentioned going to was not humility, but rather a place that told me I was undeserving and by sharing my accomplishments I was somehow boastful. Thanks to the team for believing in me! Your support inspires confidence and hope and I am able to share that with the rest of the world. 🙂
International Overdose Awareness Day: Breaking Stigma and Building Community
August 31st marks International Overdose Awareness Day – an event created to raise awareness about overdose prevention, support those who have been affected by overdose,