Six-Time Olympian Clara Hughes Bikes across Canada and Visits Victoria on May 15, 2014!

Six-Time Olympian Clara Hughes Bikes across Canada and Visits Victoria on May 15

Clara2.pngSix time Olympian Clara Hughes will begin her journey across Canada departing from Toronto and head east to Montreal next Friday, March 14th.  Clara has spent years training for 5,000 metre speed skating races and 29 kilometre cycling time trials – but training for a 12,000 kilometre ride across Canada is certainly a new challenge for Clara.

Clara will be completing 1,000 kilometres a week on her bike!  It is amazing that she is doing this for all Canadians and most especially for those that have a mental health condition.  Being someone that has bipolar disorder, I am grateful that Clara is taking the mental health awareness banner across Canada and showing us that mental illness is something we all need to pay attention to.  She will even be riding throughout the North and making 95 community stops across Canada, including Victoria on May 15, 2014!

Two Clara Hughes’ Events in the Same Day – May 15

The Bipolar Disorder Society of BC will be hosting two events for Clara in May both on the 15th.

Ribbon Cutting Legislature Event

The first event is at 2:00 pm till 3:00 pm at the Legislature on Belleville Street in downtown Victoria.  We plan to have a gathering of over 100 people at the legislature with the Lieutenant Governor performing a ribbon cutting event that will invite Clara into the city.  She will be arriving from the airport via bike and we have invited the media, public, politicians, youth and YOU to welcome Clara into our beautiful city.

Hats off to Clara Hughes: Wine Tasting and Small Bites Celebration

Our second event is our fundraiser called the ‘Hats off to Clara Hughes’ Celebration Event from 730-930 pm on May 15.  It is a hat themed party and will be a wine tasting event with small bites.  The venue is Victoria’s Public Market at 1701 Douglas Street in the Hudson Building.  We will have 200 attendees from our amazing and supportive Victoria community.  We have Bell Media behind us and know that we will have excellent coverage of the event, so if you want to showcase your business for the live auction floor please contact us.  Tickets are available for $75 here. Tickets are also available at Broad Street Cycles at 1419 broad street.

The Bipolar Babe Team is excited to be hosting Clara for these two events and we know that with your support, we will be able to show our wonderful hospitality and support for mental health awareness in Victoria.

For more information on Clara’s Big Ride click here

Thank you so much!



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