Now this is a fierce and impressive lil super hero! I somehow started calling her ‘Depressed Diva’ as Bipolar Babe needs companions in her fight against stigma. Diva never even knew me and upon hearing about my project, she instantly jumped on board without any questions, concerns or hesitation and she has created our wonderful babe website! She spoke of flash, HTML ,and photo editing among numerous other things that make lil sense to me and this girl has really revealed her talent and flair. Can you believe she never took one training class and simply learned by trial and error at home!!! She is moving on to an amazing place in her life and she has started her own internet company named ‘Polarity Website Design and Solutions’. The amount of work this girl put into our ‘baby’ is amazing and she did so to carry the cause forward-to create a world of acceptance and understanding. I guess after speaking with Diva for over 2 hours tonight, I feel inspired and grateful for having created Bipolar Babe as it was the catalyst for our friendship. Diva is one of many awesome team members and we are recruiting more! Bipolar Babe does not designate a role for you but I encourages you to use your skills and abilities and bring your ideas to the project! Speaking of ideas, next BLOG I will tell you how ‘Bipolar Babe’ got her name! Hope to hear from you! xo

Scrolling Through Life: How Social Media Shapes Adolescent Mental Health and Identity
Adolescence is a time of self-discovery, a time when young people are exploring who they are and where they fit into the world. This process