In times of doubt and times of pain, When it feels the sky is pouring rain. Remember there is a lining beyond the sky, Even when we are forced to say goodbye. In the end, I truly think we just fall asleep. No more reasons for us to ache and weep. It pains our friends when we say goodbye, But eventually we ease and no longer cry. No matter what our views, we all do know, To the winds of the sky we naturally go. To live a good life, blessed if it is long, Cherishing our time, while we belong. My dear friend, how I do empathize so, For events of the future we just don't know. Remind yourself to smile and know I am here, For a shoulder, a hug, when you shed a tear. XO Andrea

Scrolling Through Life: How Social Media Shapes Adolescent Mental Health and Identity
Adolescence is a time of self-discovery, a time when young people are exploring who they are and where they fit into the world. This process