Bipolar Babe Features Hair Garden Salon Photoshoot

Bipolar Babe Features Hair Garden Salon Photoshoot

Things are glowing and amazing around the babe scene and no it is not psychosis!  🙂  Bipolar Babe in collaboration with the Hair Garden Salon is doing a photo shoot this Sunday with amazing photographer Frances Litman for our 'Bipolar Babe Fundraiser – Hair and Art Show'.  The hair diva and I have been innovative to prepare for this shoot, from shopping for pearls and white hairspray at Valu Village to garnering crinoline at Victoria costumes.  There are 3 babes and they are going to be stunning.  The Hair Diva Davies is inspired by Marie Antoinette and everyone knows how gorgeous she was.  My amazing Fundraising Director Phil Bisset-Covaneiro (or 'the man') and I are checking out venues, nothing is confirmed yet but I have a great feeling that we have found it.  Fingers crossed.  I will keep you updated on the fundraiser that will be at the end of November, perhaps early December. Will write more soon!  HUGS*


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