Bell Let's Talk Day

Bell Let's Talk Day

I am so excited for Tuesday, February 12, 2013, Bell Let’s Talk Day! It means Bell will donate 5 cents more to mental health initiatives across Canada for every: text message sent, long distance call made, tweet using #BellLetsTalk and facebook share of the Bell Let’s Talk image by a Bell or Bell Aliant customer. 

I have been in a media frenzy at the Bipolar Babe HQ and have recently done a segment with CTV’s Louise Hartland on the Bell Let’s Talk Day in relation to the Bipolar Babe project and its programs due to air Monday, February 11th.  I also chatted on CFAX 1070AM for quite some time about the importance of the day and was able to share my personal story of living with bipolar disorder.  I am also scheduled to chat on air at KOOL FM on the Let's Talk Day.

It has been an honour to promote this cause and to help Bell bring funds to the community organizations that need it most.  We have been able to do a lot with our Bell money and have been able to develop our now very successful classroom presentations and 'teens2twenties' peer support group.  We also have rack cards in development that will encourage people to get help if they feel they are struggling with a mental health condition and other items that will get that conversation going.  It’s true that ‘we need to talk’ and it is amazing that Bell is opening up the flood gates encouraging people to have conversations free of stigma.  1 in 5 Canadians will experience a form of mental illness at some point in their lives.  It is up to all of us to create an environment of understanding, acceptance and empathy for those that have a mental illness.

Being ‘Bipolar Babe’ has brought much joy to my life and I am so proud to be promoting this Bell initiative.  Thanks Bell for all you have done and all that you continue to do.

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