Be a Mental Health Face online!

Be a Mental Health Face online!

Be an online Face for Mental Health Awarness Week 2010!

 Harnessing the power and reach of the Internet, the CMHA are launching various online initiatives for this year’s Mental Illness Awareness Week 2010 campaign and they need your input.

There are three ways you can contribute to the campaign online:

1.       Be a guest blogger for the Faces MIAW Blog Last year we launched an MIAW Blog where we have “guest bloggers”, including the Faces of Mental Illness, write and share their stories.  We invite you to share your story and picture on our blog by sending me a submission and a photo. This is a great way to introduce yourself and share your story to help and inspire others that “Recovery is Possible”. Please submit your stories in English or French to [email protected] by email and feel free to include a photo to accompany your submission. Check out the Faces MIAW Blog

2.        “Like” the Faces Facebook Fan Page There are many ways to be involved on Facebook: Join the MIAW fan page, add your photo and story to the Faces photo album, share the fan page with your social network, and participate on the discussion board by answering questions or asking your own.  Check out the Faces MIAW Facebook fan page:  3.       Do you Tweet? Follow @MIAWCanada (français : @SSMMCanada) on Twitter!  Follow @MIAWCanada as we prepare for MIAW in October. We’ll be tweeting about upcoming activities and events, and ways to get involved. Tweeting about MIAW or mental illness? Make sure to use the hash tag #MIAW2010 (French: #SSMM2010) to get in the conversation.  Follow the Faces MIAW Twitter  Come on!  Let's all get involved and prepare for mental health week in October 2010. HUGS ~Andrea


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