Quite interesting times these days. I have done a complete overhaul as of late such as: exercising, eating healthy, routine sleeping and routine meds, and wow… I feel amazing in such a short amount of time. I have been fairly good about the sleeping and medication but I took my health a bit further and hired a personal trainer over the weekend. Her name is Jannine Murray from http://janninemurray.com I am so excited to commence on a healing and healthy journey but also to get my butt whooped into shape in no time flat. I often worry about working out as it has triggered mild psychosis in the past, but I recently had my medications increased and I feel so much better. It’s all about finding the right cocktail and frankly I am excited to see the results that I can produce with a lot of ambition and perseverance. I have always wanted to have a fit bod, not just to look good physically, but it will no doubt contribute to a strong and active mind. I have never really exercised for a long period of time and it will be interesting to see what results Janine and I can produce together. Yes, I am scared but more excited to see what will become of all these positive changes in my life. Wish me luck! XO
Supporting Youth Mental Health with AI – A Guide for Parents and Caregivers
Artificial intelligence (AI) may offer innovative new ways for parents and caregivers to understand, monitor, and support their children’s mental well-being. There is a growing