Awareness Campaign

Rural Minds Matter

An anti-stigma and mental health awareness campaign
to reach all people living in rural or remote communities
across Northern British Columbia

Leading Together For Resilience

Campaign focus

Stigma-Free Mental Health Society is delivering an Awareness Messaging Campaign and Peer Support Groups for Rural BC Residents.

More than 1 in 5 people living in rural or remote communities will experience a mental health challenge or illness during this year.

We are here to be of service to individuals and families in
Northern BC.

upcoming events

Please check back often as new events will posted as soon they have been confirmed. 


In Canada's Rural Communities

Awareness Campaign

  • Messages that focus on eliminating “self-stigma.”
  • Educate, inform & normalize conversations around mental health, illness, and wellbeing.
  • Authentic stories of lived experience, extensive evidence-based online resources, and encouragement to use the Society’s school and rural mental health toolkits.

Peer Group Development

  • Encourage community leadership by taking
    Peer Support Fundamentals Training online.
  • Support in-person peer groups led by locals supporting their neighbors in BC’s rural communities.
  • Provide ongoing support for peer group facilitators to enact and sustain peer groups for mental wellness.
rural acent

Become a Rural Resilience Champion to support the Rural Minds Matter Awareness Campaign in your community.

A Rural Resilience Champion:

Rural Minds Matter

visit our programs

Extensive anti-stigma and mental health resources for students, educators and families.

Northern BC Rural Resilience Champions

Northern BC Rural Resilience Champions

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