Looking back, I am fresh into the eighth grade. Being your typical boy in that age range, I felt confident, loud, anxious and proud. But
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Looking back, I am fresh into the eighth grade. Being your typical boy in that age range, I felt confident, loud, anxious and proud. But
When I was 16 years old, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder (NOS), NOS means that they weren’t sure what “kind” of bipolar I may
Hello, my name is Andrea Paquette and I am known as the Bipolar Babe in the mental health community. I founded the Bipolar Disorder Society
I’m Sarah Fader. I’m a 36 year old single mother of two children living in New York City. I live with panic disorder, ADHD, PTSD
Together, we inspire diverse communities to be inclusive, compassionate, and empowered to lead fulfilling lives regardless of their challenges.
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Registered Charity No: 827676867RR0001
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